Habitat Assessment / Due Diligence

BBI biologists are experienced in assessing habitats and working with companies to find a successful solution to maintaining habitats and species while completing their project.



Description of Services

BBI biologists have years of experience conducting general habitat assessments and due diligence studies. These are often the first steps in determining the types of surveys and other studies likely to be required during environmental review for estimating project impacts and developing feasible mitigation measures. BBI biologists are capable and experienced in evaluating a site’s potential to support endangered, threatened or otherwise sensitive species or their habitat, evaluating the nature and significance of project impacts on these resources, and working with project proponents in developing feasible mitigation measures to avoid, eliminate, or reduce these impacts.                 

BBI uses the latest in field techniques and computer technology to assess a study area's habitat composition and determine the potential presence of biological resources.                          

Due Diligence Approach

BBI's approach to due diligence uses a comprehensive internal resources database to understand a study area as much as is feasible with modern technology without setting foot on the ground. This approach allows us to more accurately focus survey efforts and collect more important information in the field with less effort – a substantial savings in cost passed on to the client.

Longer-Term Assessments

BBI's due diligence approach is also effective on longer-term field efforts, where a large store of government-produced resource information interacts with data BBI has collected in the field. Our methods allow for an unparalleled understanding of potential project constraints, resources and conservation priorities.

BBI's recent projects include:

  • Newhall Ranch (Newhall Land), Los Angeles County, California

  • Palen Solar Electric Generating System (BrightSource Energy), Riverside County, California

  • Jackson Property, Orange County, California

  • Portuguese Bend Reserve, Los Angeles County, California 

  • Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (Southern California Edison and ICF International), Los Angeles County, California

BBI biologists have also conducted due diligence analysis for a large number of proposed residential developments in southern California, as well as larger projects such as 35,000 acres north of Las Vegas and 50,000 acres in the vicinity of Albuquerque, New Mexico.