Current Projects
Representative projects include Golden Eagle capture and transmitter application, Palen Solar Project, researching golden eagle nesting sites, Tehachapi Renewable Transmission project involving Swainson's Hawks, Manzana Wind project studying raptors, and monitoring Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and Least Bell's Vireo in Los Angeles County.
Golden Eagle Capture and Transmitter Application
Project Type: Government Agency Location: Oregon
Description: BBI biologists spent three winters baiting, establishing camera traps, trapping and marking Golden Eagles in southeastern Oregon. This work is assisting federal efforts to track local Golden Eagle populations and assist in the management of area land use to minimize impacts on this species.
Palen Solar Project
Project Type: Solar
Location: Riverside County, California
Description: BBI biologists conducted wintering and nesting Golden Eagle surveys and designed and implemented migration point counts to assess potential impacts of the proposed project on migratory birds and Golden Eagles. BBI also provided assistance in the review process with the California Energy Commission and the REAT agencies.
Immature Swainson's Hawk
Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project
Project Type: Utility
Location: Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino counties, California
Description: BBI has provided biological services on this project since its inception in 2009. BBI provided construction monitoring, nesting bird surveys, and Swainson's Hawk surveys. BBI also developed the draft version of the project's Nesting Bird Management Plan and currently provides the project's Nesting Bird Lead monitor.
Manzana Wind Project
Project Type: Wind
Location: Kern County, California
Description: BBI was initially tasked with completing wintering and nesting raptor surveys, as well as nesting bird displacement surveys, for two years using methods provided in the RFP. Subsequently, the scope was expanded to conduct large bird migration counts and provide other assistance to minimize potential avian impacts.
Residential Project in Los Angeles County
Project Type: Residential
Location: Los Angeles County, California
Description: BBI has been conducting yearly surveys for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Least Bell's Vireo and other riparian birds for the last five years. BBI is also providing updated vegetation mapping for the survey area.