
Updates on BBI's current projects and news that relates to BBI's goals and interests.

Color Banded Bald Eagles in Southern California - UPDATE!

Where are they now? An update on the 24 bald eagle chicks color banded by Pete Bloom between 2017-2022.

Written By Nicollet Overby

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The Last Wild Condor

It is hard to believe that 34 years ago, the California Condor was standing on the precipice of extinction. But on this day in 1987, the last wild California Condor was taken into captivity – a momentous decision that ultimately saved the species. Now there is a population of over 500 individuals, and more than 300 of those are flying free in their natural wild habitats. Numbers like these were unimaginable to the original Condor Research Team back in 1987. BBI’s founder, Pete Bloom, led the trapping effort for those last wild condors, and we are all grateful for his contribution to save the imperiled species.

Written by Nicollet Overby.

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Raptor Banding in the Owens Valley

We have wonderful volunteers who assist Dr. Peter Bloom in the field, especially for research projects associated with his non-profit, Bloom Research Inc. Earlier this month, long-time volunteer and raptor bander, Hal Batzloff, wrote an article that was published in the Eastern Sierra Audubon’s newsletter.

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Ospreys at Mono Lake - A Conservation Story

World-renowned raptor ecologist Dr. Peter Bloom was invited by California State Parks’ Environmental Scientist Lisa Fields to join in the Osprey nest monitoring at Mono Lake, CA – with close to 50 years of raptor conservation work, Pete has been able to add valuable insights to the monitoring efforts, and the team began banding all the nestlings they could in order to track their movements.

Written by Nicollet Overby.

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Focus on Migrating Birds - BBI Staff Making Headlines

Bird migrations, especially those that are long-distance and/or across rugged terrain and oceans, have long fascinated us flight-less humans. Our core staff has been making headlines over the past year with research and activities that involve migrating birds, stopover ecology, bird habitat use, and other issues like land development. Written by Nicollet Overby.

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Color Bands & Why They Are Important

Bird banding is one of the only ways biologists can identify individual birds of the same species. These unique bands are used for population estimates, dispersal ranges, and migration routes, just to name a few valuable recourses gained by banding birds. Written by Kerry Ross.

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Looking for biologists!

Bloom Biological, Inc. is currently looking for qualified biologists interested in on call opportunities specializing in nesting bird surveys and raptor monitoring throughout Southern California. Applicants should have significant and demonstrable birding skills and familiarity with sensitive species. B.S. or master’s degree in biology preferred.

Must be able to work independently and interact positively with project managers, clients, landowners, and other technicians. Candidates with prior experience conducting nesting bird and raptor surveys will be given preference.

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Work requires the ability to identify bird species present in the western U.S. in general and southern California/Nevada desert species specifically, by sight and sound, sometimes at great distances. Must be able to take detailed field notes, collect behavioral and spatial use data according to established protocols, and fulfil daily reporting requirements. Skilled use of topographic maps, GPS units, and other standard field equipment is required.

Work opportunities are available immediately and given preferentially to those who respond quickly to emails or phone calls. Hourly rate will depend on experience.

Those applying MUST possess the following: Demonstrable birding skills including raptor ID and survey experience. A Valid Driver’s License is required and experience driving a 4 wheel vehicle is preferred.

If you are interested in joining our team please submit a cover letter and resume to Jackie Catino-Davenport with the subject title “BBI: On-Call Position” to and CC Ashley Macomber to

Winter trapping

For the past several years we have had the opportunity of hosting an externship with students from Tufts University studying conservation medicine. Generally we host them over their winter break, where they spend time in the field with senior biologist Peter Bloom learning trapping and handling techniques with a variety of raptors. Here are a few great photos from days out in the field.  Pictured is this years amazing extern Cristen Mathews with a Golden eagle and Red-tailed hawk. If you are interested in an internship, contact us through our website. We value sharing our expertise and mentoring the next generation of biologists, veterinarians and conservationists. 

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Career Opportunity at BBI!

Career Opportunities at BBI


Bloom Biological Inc. is an environmental consulting firm with over 40 years of experience with endangered and sensitive species in California. We are currently looking for an efficient and focused person to work in the main office assisting the president and CEO with administrative tasks and helping the accounting department with basic clerical duties. This is a great opportunity for any budding ornithologist or avian enthusiast with an interest in raptor research and Southern California.  Aside from basic clerical duties there will be a heavy influence on maintaining field records, databases and 40 years of data sets on raptors.

Responsibilities include:

  • Organizing all correspondences that come into the main office including emails, phone calls and mail.
  • Making reservations and managing administrative tasks for the main biologist. Examples Include conference registrations, field access forms, airlines and hotels.
  • Entering hours, recording and archiving time sheets and receipts for any expenditures provided by the main biologist or CEO
  • Filing project papers and archiving historical field data to maintain an organized and efficient office. Locating research, historical papers and data as needed for publications.
  • Managing upkeep of all computers and devices including backups and system upgrades.
  • Preparing and maintaining the main office for meetings and ordering necessary supplies.

Job requirements:

  • Experience in biology and conservation a plus.
  • Strong proficiency in Office 365 (Excel, Outlook, SharePoint, and Word.)  QuickBooks knowledge a plus.
  • Familiarity with both PC’s and Mac’s.  Able to problem solve simple tech issues.
  • Consistent attention to detail and organization. Self-motivated and adept at working without constant direction.  Ability to prioritize tasks during busy periods in the office.
  • Ability to be decisive and resolve simple issues that will allow the president and CEO to focus on major projects.
  • Flexibility with schedule and the capacity to manage time efficiently.


Salary will be per hour - $20.00

Three days a week / 8-hour days. with flexibility on exact days

If you are interested in applying please send a cover letter and CV to

Field season 2017 - SHWA banding

We have done a lot this field season at BBI, working throughout southern California with a variety of species on a multitude of projects.  Below is some wonderful footage of a typical day in the field.  The view from a cherry picker after returning some recently banded Swainson's hawks to their nest. Thanks to Mike Kuehn for the video. Greg Tully and Pete Bloom pictured in photo

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