Michael Kuehn
Michael Kuehn Ph.D.- Senior Biologist and Statistical Analyst. Dr. Kuehn is an avian ecologist with experience conducting field research throughout the Americas from Ecuador to Alaska. He also has a solid working knowledge of the other terrestrial vertebrate groups (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals), and has taught courses about their ecology and identification at UC-Santa Barbara.
Michael Kuehn, Ph.D.
Senior Biologist & Statistical Analyst
Professional Experience
As a biologist at Bloom Biological, Dr. Kuehn has worked for three years in a variety of capacities to help design and conduct ecological assessments and prepare permitting documents, including the following:
Development of statistically valid pre-construction and post-construction avian survey protocols that meet federal and state permit requirements for alternative energy projects.
Managed multiple environmental assessments at alternative energy projects, involving survey design and site selection, training biologists to follow specific survey methods and protocols, scheduling and data management, as well as GIS management, data synthesis, statistical analysis and report preparation.
Contributed to the drafting of multiple Eagle Conservation Plans for wind energy projects seeking to apply for USFWS programmatic incidental eagle take permits.
Experienced with the application of field survey data to generate eagle fatality estimates for wind energy projects using the USFWS-developed Bayesian fatality prediction model using R Statistical software.
Conducted field surveys for a variety of passerine birds, owls, and other raptors.
Trained in raptor trapping (including Golden Eagles) and radio telemetry tracking of tagged birds.
Worked as an avian specialist, conducting nest searching and monitoring for the Sunrise Powerlink Project in San Diego and Imperial counties in California.
Assisted in creating burrows and conducting surveys for Burrowing Owls.
Dr. Kuehn also has the following experience:
As a research assistant at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, conducted surveys for Loggerhead Shrikes on Santa Cruz Island and for all bird species along the Santa Clara River (Ventura County).
As a research associate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, designed and directed a two-year study investigating the effects of a tamarisk biocontrol agent on avian communities using riparian habitat in southern Nevada.
Served on a Technical Advisory Committee for a Walton Family Foundation funded initiative to restore habitat for Southwestern Willow Flycatchers in the Colorado Basin in the wake of Tamarisk biocontrol beetle introduction during 2011 and 2012.
Conducted independent research on reproductive strategies of birds breeding at high latitudes in central Alaska.
As a graduate student at UC Santa Barbara, conducted seven years of field research in Alaska, Idaho and Montana to investigate the behavioral defenses of hosts against Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism.
Participated for four years in a long-term ecological investigation of landscape effects on nesting success of riparian birds in Western Montana
Participated in a study of nesting birds in the cloud-forests of central and southern Ecuador.
Permits and Certifications
USFWS Sci. Collector’s Permit (MB085567-0)
USGS Bird Banding Subpermitee (22905-F)
Ph.D., University of California, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, Santa Barbara
B.S., Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Worster Award for Graduate/Undergraduate Collaborative Research, Department Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara ($6000). 2007
Frank M. Chapman Memorial Grant, American Museum of Natural History ($2500). 2007
Student Research Award, Animal Behavior Society ($1000). 2007
Exploration Fund Award, Explorer’s Club ($1200). 2007
Paul A. Stewart Research Award, Wilson Ornithological Society ($500). 2007
Ralph Schreiber Ornithology Research Award, Los Angeles Audubon Society ($2500). 2006
Student Research Award, American Ornithologist’s Union ($1800). 2003