
Updates on BBI's current projects and news that relates to BBI's goals and interests.

Ospreys at Mono Lake - A Conservation Story

World-renowned raptor ecologist Dr. Peter Bloom was invited by California State Parks’ Environmental Scientist Lisa Fields to join in the Osprey nest monitoring at Mono Lake, CA – with close to 50 years of raptor conservation work, Pete has been able to add valuable insights to the monitoring efforts, and the team began banding all the nestlings they could in order to track their movements. Written by Nicollet Overby.

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Some pictures from the field on Earth Day...

We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity. - E.O.Wilson.

Left to right top to bottom: Cassins Kingbird, Least Sandpiper, Snowy Egret, and the landscape near where we are conducting a riparian bird survey.