
Updates on BBI's current projects and news that relates to BBI's goals and interests.

Raptor Banding in the Owens Valley

We have wonderful volunteers who assist Dr. Peter Bloom in the field, especially for research projects associated with his non-profit, Bloom Research Inc. Earlier this month, long-time volunteer and raptor bander, Hal Batzloff, wrote an article that was published in the Eastern Sierra Audubon’s newsletter.

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Focus on Migrating Birds - BBI Staff Making Headlines

Bird migrations, especially those that are long-distance and/or across rugged terrain and oceans, have long fascinated us flight-less humans. Our core staff has been making headlines over the past year with research and activities that involve migrating birds, stopover ecology, bird habitat use, and other issues like land development. Written by Nicollet Overby.

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Field season 2017 - SHWA banding

We have done a lot this field season at BBI, working throughout southern California with a variety of species on a multitude of projects.  Below is some wonderful footage of a typical day in the field.  The view from a cherry picker after returning some recently banded Swainson's hawks to their nest. Thanks to Mike Kuehn for the video. Greg Tully and Pete Bloom pictured in photo

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