We have wonderful volunteers who assist Dr. Peter Bloom in the field, especially for research projects associated with his non-profit, Bloom Research Inc. Earlier this month, long-time volunteer and raptor bander, Hal Batzloff, wrote an article that was published in the Eastern Sierra Audubon’s newsletter.
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In the spirit of Valentine's Day, a little look into why some species may evolve to have long-lasting pair bonds.
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, a little look into why some species may evolve to have long-lasting pair bonds.
Read MoreRodenticides & Raptors
Many people don’t realize that rodenticides can affect the entire food web, killing more than just rats. Learn how raptors such as hawks and owls are affected, and how research has shown that raptors provide a much cheaper and safer solution to rodent problems. Written by Nicollet Overby.
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