Almiyi, a female California condor, has cancer. Read about the effort to heal this condor who hatched in 1983…here.
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Golden Eagle Movement, ongoing study in southwestern CA
Dr. Peter Bloom along with Dr. Robert Fisher and Dr. Jeff Tracy of the U.S. Geological Survey, seen here placing radio telemetry units on Golden Eagles in southwestern California. Dr. Robert Fisher releases an adult female.
Read MoreSo Cal Red Tailed Hawk Migration Study, 40 yrs in the making, now published!
Chapter two of Dr. Peter Bloom's dissertation as newly published in the March 2015 issue of the Journal of Raptor Research! Northward Summer Migration of Red-Tailed Hawks Fledged from Southern Latitudes.
Link to the Journal of Raptor Research.
Chapter one of Dr. Bloom's dissertation published in 2011, Vagrant Western Red-shouldered Hawks: Origins, Natal Dispersal Patterns, and Survival. The Condor 113: 538-546