Peter H. Bloom

Peter Bloom has been a professional environmental consultant for more than 40 years, principally in California. He specializes in the environmental sciences, is an internationally recognized expert in raptor biology and conservation and is considered one of the best all-around field biologists in California with his extensive knowledge and experience with all terrestrial vertebrate groups (amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) and the vascular plants.


Peter H. Bloom, Ph.D.


Professional Experience

As principal zoologist of Bloom Biological, Inc., Dr. Bloom has prepared numerous biological assessments and worked on several avian research projects in the western United States, Alaska, Peru, Ecuador, and India, spending  over 950 hours conducting helicopter and fixed-wing nest survey work and aerial radio-tracking of eagles, California condors, hawks, and herons. He has also been responsible for conducting or supervising:

  • Fiber-optics and electrical power line installation surveys and construction monitoring
  • Surveys of nesting and wintering birds of prey for the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), BLM, U.S. Forest Service, Department of Defense, and numerous private land owners
  • Radio-tagging of adult California red-legged frogs in Ventura County
  • Focused surveys for California gnatcatcher, southwestern willow flycatcher, least Bell's vireo, arroyo toad, California red-legged frog, desert tortoise, Pacific pond turtle (including trapping and surveying habitat), coast horned lizard, flat-tailed horned lizard, Belding’s orange-throated whiptail, coastal whiptail, coastal patch-nosed snake, California glossy snake, two-striped garter snake (including trapping and surveying habitat), red-diamond rattlesnake, and Pacific pocket mouse
  • General herpetological, small mammal, breeding and winter bird surveys in southern California
  • Translocation of several hundred arroyo toads at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base
  • Sensitive herpetological, mammal, and raptor surveys for the Transportation Corridor Agency in Orange County
  • A raptor status and management plan for Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach and Fallbrook Detachment


Ph.D., Natural Resources, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow

M.S., Biology, California State University, Long Beach

B.S., Zoology, California State University, Long Beach


The Wildlife Society Western Section: Professional of the Year, 2005

Association of Field Ornithologists: Bergstrom Award, 1981

The Nature Conservancy: $27,000 for satellite transmitters, 2004 and 2006

As a research biologist at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, served on the Science Advisory Board of the South Orange County Natural Communities Conservation Program. During his tenure there he:

  • Provided herpetological input into the Orange County environmental GIS and Cleveland National Forest environmental inventory.
  • Managed a long-term (30 yr.) raptor ecology study in California;
  • Managed a successful Great Blue Heron mitigation project designed to increase numbers of nesting herons through placement of artificial nest platforms;
  • Supervised and performed predator management activities for USFWS related to protection of California least terns, snowy plovers, and light-footed clapper rails in southwestern California from avian and other vertebrate predators (locations included Vandenberg Air Force Base, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, Batiquitos Lagoon, Port of Long Beach, Port of San Diego, and Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge);
  • Supervised a two year CalTrans radio-telemetry study of nesting peregrine falcons and their relationship to California least terns in southwestern California
  • Organized and finished seven years of a MAPS passerine monitoring station.

While serving as a research biologist and advisor in India, responsibilities included educating local biologists in the various techniques needed to capture birds, and conducting radio-telemetry research.

Served as thesis advisor to seven students at CSU Long Beach, one student at CSU Humboldt, and one student at CSU Fullerton.

As research biologist for the National Audubon Society, was responsible for writing the grant proposal and ultimately the successful award of two grants totaling $300,000 for six years of full-time research on the ecology of southern California raptor populations. Responsibilities included project management, personnel selection, supervision of 12 volunteers, proposal and budget preparation, method design, data analysis, report writing, and publication of results. Directed the effort to capture all wild free-flying California condors for transmitter placement or captive breeding. Radio-tracked condors and conducted contaminant studies involving condors and 180 golden eagles.

As a research biologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, was principal investigator on a three year study designed to determine the status of northern goshawk populations in California for CDFG.

Trapped and placed transmitters on great gray owls for the U.S. Forest Service, prairie falcons for CDFG, and peregrine falcons in Peru for the Bodega Bay Institute of Pollution Ecology.

As a wildlife biologist for BLM, was principal investigator of a study designed to determine the status of the Swainson's hawk in California. Surveyed all semi-arid and desert regions, reviewed literature and museum records, assessed reproduction, banded adults and young, and prepared the final report. His efforts contributed to the state-listing of Swainson's hawk as threatened.  While serving as a biological technician for BLM, conducted reptile, amphibian, small mammal, and avian surveys of 3.25 million acres of public land as part of a grazing EIS.

Surveyed and reported on the ecology and distribution of raptors inhabiting the 200-square-mile Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base.


Lifetime member:  The Wildlife SocietyAssociation of Field OrnithologistsRaptor Research Foundation, Cooper Society, Society for Conservation BiologyCalifornia Native Plant Society

Peter is also a member of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and ReptilesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Ornithologists Union.

Permits & Certifications

Federal endangered species recovery permit (TE-787376) for red-legged frog (including placement of transmitters and transponders), arroyo toad, California gnatcatcher (including banding), least Bell’s vireo (including banding), southwestern willow flycatcher (including banding), California least tern, snowy plover, peregrine falcon, bald eagle, and Swainson’s hawk.

California scientific collecting permit and memorandum of understanding for all raptors, including state-threatened Swainson’s hawk, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and many additional species of birds, including state-threatened western yellow-billed cuckoo, California least tern, snowy plover, peregrine falcon, and bald eagle.

  • Federal Master Banding Permit No. 20431
  • Federal Bird Marking and Salvage Permit
  • Predator Management Permit
  • Migratory Bird Relocation Permit (burrowing owl and other species)
  • Brown-headed cowbird trapping authorization
  • Desert Tortoise Council-approved for conducting desert tortoise monitoring surveys

Selected Publications

Full resume